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1. An association with an international philanthropic project:

Supporting us is making a project acting towards a global, social, responsible and sustainable development possible. It is also acting in response to the Covid-19 crisis, which has not left our world unscathed, by participating to a positive project.


2. An image associated with other organisations acting for the common good:

Supporting us is linking your image to an ambitious and positive eco-responsible project. We are in direct contact with many NGOs, universities, local, regional, national and European councils.

You will benefit from a book summarizing our project where your contribution will be highlighted. To illustrate your commitment to eco-responsible projects, you could offer this book to your employees.


3. Visibility on social media and in the media:

Supporting us is increasing your visibility thanks to our commitment to link your organisation name to our numerous publications. Throughout our journey we will share our progress on social and professional media.

In association with our university teachers we wish to publish a final report of our research. Having studied in England, all content and results will be available in English and French and broadcast internationally.


4. An accessible research:

Supporting us is guaranteeing an access to all our research and syntheses on sustainable development. This will open new avenues of reflexion, new strategies, and allow for the identification of new potential markets. We will report our progress through monthly reports that you will be the first one to have access to.


5. A thought-through and guided research:

Supporting us is committing to a serious project that will benefit from advices from experts reunited in the 'Advisory Committee'. We were also thrilled to welcome into our team new members, inspired and insightful people that contributed to expanding our expertise to a wide variety of topics. The incredible support that Econogy has been receiving is for us a confirmation of the importance and relevance of this research.


6. Fervent ambassadors:

Supporting us means joining a team of 3 ambitious, committed and motivated students. Our various professional experiences have allowed us to understand the importance of partnerships. In the past, we each have developed strategic knowledge. We offer to be your international ambassadors. Several strategies can be discussed and implemented, in order to best associate your company with our project.


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