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This project is divided into three stages. We first commit to building a research file, essential to our understanding of local development issues. Prior to our departure, we will study the ecological and social development policies proposed by public and private actors in each country. In a second step, we will carry out our project locally. This will finally allow us to constitute a complete file of our observations and results which will be handed in to our university bodies (University of Cambridge, King's College), as well as to the various actors who contributed to the realisation of our work.


We are obviously aware of the current pandemic risks and our work will be carried out in compliance with health directives.

1. Analytical report:

The final aim of our project is to produce an analytical report that will be centred around the UN 17 sustainable development goals for 2030. Many actors will contribute to the writing of different articles. NGOs and students from our universities (University of Cambridge, King's College London and Sciences Po Paris) have already agreed to write articles for our project. During our trip, we will try to identify the main local sustainable development issues (environmental and social). This will allow us to better angle our research on the various proposals from the government, companies and NGOs in terms of sustainable and responsible development. Our analysis will focus on the measures already in place and on the proposals under discussion. This upstream research will allow us to compile an analysis sheet of the development policies carried out for each country. These sheets will allow us to adapt our research methods to each country, taking into account its specificities.


3. Awareness and knowledge of sustainable development through the media:

Throughout our project, we will share our research on social media (Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram...) via numerous posts. This will allow us to sensitive a large and varied audience to sustainable development challenges.

We will also organise monthly webinars allowing people to track our work progress.

5. Documentary:

A documentary describing our approach, experience, and our results will be produced and published. The objective is to widely share and publish our research and findings, to sensibilise a wider community.


7. Evaluation report: At the end of our project, we will offer a critical evaluation of our work. We will assess the achievement of our objectives, the difficulties encountered during our research and the different avenues of study to be undertaken in the future.

2. Creation of a community centred around a current issue:

We are convinced that our research project is about everyone and that everyone's involvement is necessary to bring about optimal solutions. Our goal is to trigger and organise a reflexion centred around Covid-19 and sustainable development. Any person, organisation willing to take part in this reflexion and research is more than welcome to do so.

4. Database: Our analytical report will allow us to carry out informed questionnaires and interviews on local development issues. These surveys will be distributed to firms, public institutions, NGOs and individuals in order to guarantee the consideration of multiple viewpoints.


6. Specific requests: We are very open to specific requests from the various organisations supporting us and will do our best to answer them.

KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER: the essence of our project

Our objective is to learn from others, transfer their expertise to other communities and to spread this knowledge as much as we can. To relevantly share our findings, we will proceed in three ways:


1.Interventions in schools and firms:

We aim to raise awareness in our societies regarding the challenges of environmental and societal development. We are convinced that in order to carry out this project, it is essential to share our research with the actors of current generations - firms - but also future generations - today's children. We will therefore screen our documentary in firms, primary schools, colleges and high schools. These projections will be followed by question and answer sessions. We will also propose practical solutions at the individual and collective scales. We hope to encourage the younger generations to get involved for causes that are crucial to us.

2. Sharing the documentary and our research in the media in order to raise awareness among the general public :

In order to reach a large audience, we want to make our documentary as accessible as possible. This project will be a concrete example of a student commitment to a more 'sustainable' development, based on a re-examination of our lifestyles and consumption. We hope that our research centered around the theme of Covid-19 will have repercussions on a larger scale and will constitute a springboard for more awareness regarding the challenges of tomorrow.


3. Strategic advice on sustainable development for local businesses:

After a comparative study of the operating modes of different developed and developing countries, we hope to be able to identify local solutions not only more effective than existing measures but also financially accessible.



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